(10th Sepember)
I beleive the plan is to jump on the bikes and do another tour of the island before the bikes are due back at 11am.
The plan was for everyone to meet at 9am so we could leave prompty. The phrase ‘like hearding cats’ will be used quite frequently throughout the blog.
We finally got on the road about 12, once everyone had sorted out ther bikes (getting new ones, extending hire periods), theior wives, girlfriends etc.
*funny story interlude : Nicky had told us that they had been awoken by their noisy neighbours at some stupid hours of the morning by loud music comming from somewhere, so like the pired piper, he followed the music. Nicky woke up and found him not there so she followed the music because she knew thats where he would be. She found jeremy down on the beach amongst a beach party in the midst of finishing a bucket and ready for another one….I guess a bucket can be a breakfast ‘food’ aswell.
So anyway, instead of going up the coast like we did yesterday, we went across the island to a beach that Jeremy and Stephan had been to before.
We rode for just over an hour over some pretty dogey terrain that was the main road. Some concrete, a lot of dirt and some gravel, lots of pothold and trenches and oncomming vehicles to avoid. Some of the downhills were pretty exciting to say the least!
The quad bikes ROCK!
We finally arrive at the beach, which is absolutely stunning, blue water, white sand, very picturesque.
We all headed to the water to take a swaim, then headed up to a resturant for some lunch.
Just as we are finishing up it starts to spit nd there are some pretty ominus dark clouds in the sky. We were anticipating a trecherous trip back, but the rain held off.
So the team today was : Me, Dave, Bevan, Jeremy, Nucky, Matt, Matt (Kates wife), Kate.
Matt and Kate chose not to come the full distance due to ‘stress’ that Matt was causing Kate by being her passenger.
After the ride, I had another massage which was SENSATIONAL, while the others caught u for more drinks.
After a massage, I jumped on my hamock with my iPod and had a snooze for about an hour.
We all met for dinner about 7pm and wondered down to the local for some food and more drink.
Everyone was a bit jadded today so we called it an night about 9pm.
I got to my room and had a lizard on the wall, which was pretty exciting, it was about 10cm long and was pretty quick on its feet.
CraigieeA signing off nanoo…nanoo