What a ride…..its has been non stop all of last night and a morning of flights with little sleep, but we finally made it!
We have just checked into our hotel, which is alled Buddy Hotel which is basic, but comfortable. Directly outside the hotel are heaps of stalls of all sorts of goodies which we will be checking out very soon, we are all about to meet in 10 mins to start some sight seeing and check out the local area. OMG, things here are so cheep, I think I’m going to have to buy a bigger suitcase.
I think the adrenaline will wear off eventually, but will certainly be making the most of before it does.
The hotel has a spa, internet cafe, tailor, tattoo parolur and a bar directly under it, which could make for an interesting evening…
Anyway, my internet counter is ticking down, and I dont have any coins left until I buy something….so this is CraigieeA signing off… nonoo nanooo